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Server configuration reference

Property Name Description Property Type Default Value
processing-enabled Is processing enabled on this node? bool true
level-manager-enabled Is a level manager enabled on this node? bool true
node-id Unique identifier for this node. int -
cluster-addresses List of addresses for intra cluster traffic list -
cluster-tls-enabled Is TLS enabled for intra-cluster traffic bool false
cluster-tls-key-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server private key string -
cluster-tls-cert-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server certificate string -
cluster-tls-client-certs-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing trusted client certificates
and/or CA certificates. Only needed with TLS client authentication
string -
cluster-tls-client-auth Client certificate authentication mode. One of: no-client-cert,
request-client-cert, require-any-client-cert,
verify-client-cert-if-given, require-and-verify-client-cert
string -
external-level-manager-addresses List of addresses for level manager when using external level manager. list -
external-level-manager-tls-enabled Is TLS enabled for connecting to external level manager? bool false
external-level-manager-tls-key-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the client private key string -
external-level-manager-tls-cert-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the client certificate string -
external-level-manager-tls-client-certs-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing trusted server certificates
and/or CA certificates. Only needed with TLS client authentication
string -
cluster-name Unique name of the cluster. string "tektite_cluster"
registry-format Registry format for storing metadata. int 1
master-registry-record-id ID of the master registry record. string "tektite_master"
max-registry-segment-table-entries Maximum entries in a registry segment. int 50000
level-manager-flush-interval Interval between level manager flushes. duration "5s"
segment-cache-max-size Maximum size of the segment cache in number of segments int 100
l0-compaction-trigger Min number of tables before L0 compaction will occur int 4
l0-max-tables-before-blocking Number of L0 tables before blocking writes. int 10
l1-compaction-trigger Min number of tables before L1 compaction will occur int 4
level-multiplier Multiplier for compaction trigger between levels for compaction. int 10
compaction-poller-timeout Timeout for compaction poller. duration "1s"
compaction-job-timeout Timeout for compaction jobs. duration "30s"
ss-table-delete-check-period Interval for checking SSTables for deletion. duration "2s"
ss-table-delete-delay Delay before deleting SSTables after no longer referenced. duration "10s"
level-manager-retry-delay Delay between retries for level manager operation when unavailable duration "250ms"
ss-table-register-retry-delay Delay between retries for registering SSTables. duration "1s"
prefix-retention-remove-check-period Interval for checking prefix retention removal. duration "30s"
compaction-max-ss-table-size Maximum size for an SSTable created during compaction, in bytes. string "16777216"
table-cache-max-size-bytes Maximum size for the table cache in bytes. string "134217728"
compaction-workers-enabled Enables compaction workers. bool false
compaction-worker-count Max number of compaction workers on node. int 4
ss-table-push-retry-delay Delay between retries for pushing SSTables to object store. duration "1s"
prefix-retention-refresh-interval Interval for refreshing prefix retentions from server. duration "10s"
command-compaction-interval Interval between command manager compactions. duration "5m"
cluster-manager-lock-timeout Timeout for cluster manager lock acquisition. duration "2m"
cluster-manager-key-prefix Key prefix used by cluster manager. string "tektite_clust_data/"
cluster-manager-listen-addresses Addresses of etcd servers list -
cluster-eviction-timeout Timeout before evicting cluster member duration "5s"
cluster-state-update-period Interval before calling into etcd with node state. duration "2s"
etcd-call-timeout Timeout for etcd calls made by cluster manager. duration "5s"
sequences-object-name Key of the object which stores sequences. string "tektite_sequences"
sequences-retry-delay Delay between retries for sequence manager operations. duration "250ms"
object-store-type Type of the object store. string "dev"
dev-object-store-addresses Addressed of dev object store list [""]
minio-endpoint Endpoint address of Minio object store. string -
minio-access-key Access key for Minio object store. string -
minio-secret-key Secret key for Minio object store. string -
minio-bucket-name Name of the bucket in Minio object store. string -
minio-secure Flag to enable secure connection to Minio object store. bool false
processor-count Number of processors. If level manager is enabled there will
be one more than this.
int 16
max-processor-batches-in-progress Maximum queued actions per processor before blocking. int 1000
memtable-max-size-bytes Maximum size of the mem-table in bytes. string "16777216"
memtable-max-replace-time Maximum time before adding mem-table to the push queue. duration "30s"
memtable-flush-queue-max-size Maximum number of mem-tables in the flush queue before blocking writes. int 10
store-write-blocked-retry-interval Interval between retries for store write operations when blocked. duration "250ms"
table-format Data format for tables. int 1
min-replicas Minimum number of available replicas of a processor before replications are rejected. int 2
max-replicas Maximum number of replicas for a processor. int 3
min-snapshot-interval Minimum interval between creating version snapshots. duration "200ms"
batch-flush-check-interval Interval between checking if batches can be flushed from replicas. duration "1s"
consumer-retry-interval Interval between reconnect retries for Kafka consumers in 'bridge from' operator duration "2s"
max-backfill-batch-size Maximum size of a batch in 'backfill' operator. int 1000
forward-resend-delay Delay before resending forwarded messages after unavailability. duration "250ms"
query-max-batch-rows Maximum number of rows for a query result batch. int 1000
http-api-enabled Flag to enable the HTTP API server. bool -
http-api-addresses List of addresses on which the HTTP API listens list -
http-api-tls-key-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server private key string -
http-api-tls-cert-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server certificate string -
http-api-tls-client-certs-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing trusted client certificates
and/or CA certificates. Only needed with TLS client authentication
string -
http-api-tls-client-auth Client certificate authentication mode. One of: no-client-cert,
request-client-cert, require-any-client-cert,
verify-client-cert-if-given, require-and-verify-client-cert
string -
http-api-path URI path prefix for the HTTP API server. string "/tektite"
admin-console-enabled Flag to enable the admin console. bool false
admin-console-addresses List of listen addresses for the web UI. list -
admin-console-tls-key-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server private key string -
admin-console-tls-cert-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server certificate string -
admin-console-tls-client-certs-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing trusted client certificates
and/or CA certificates. Only needed with TLS client authentication
string -
admin-console-tls-client-auth Client certificate authentication mode. One of: no-client-cert,
request-client-cert, require-any-client-cert,
verify-client-cert-if-given, require-and-verify-client-cert
string -
admin-console-sample-interval Interval between refreshing data for display on the web UI. duration "5s"
kafka-server-enabled Flag to enable the Kafka server. bool false
kafka-server-addresses List of addresses at which Kafka server listens. list -
kafka-server-tls-key-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server private key string -
kafka-server-tls-cert-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing the server certificate string -
kafka-server-tls-client-certs-path Path to a PEM encoded file containing trusted client certificates
and/or CA certificates. Only needed with TLS client authentication
string -
kafka-server-tls-client-auth Client certificate authentication mode. One of: no-client-cert,
request-client-cert, require-any-client-cert,
verify-client-cert-if-given, require-and-verify-client-cert
string -
kafka-use-server-timestamp If true then server time is used for timestamp for incoming messages. bool false
kafka-min-session-timeout Minimum session timeout for Kafka consumers. duration "6s"
kafka-max-session-timeout Maximum session timeout for Kafka consumers. duration "30m"
kafka-initial-join-delay Initial delay before a new Kafka consumer can join a consumer group. duration "3s"
kafka-new-member-join-timeout Timeout for new consumers joining Kafka consumer group. duration "5m"
kafka-fetch-cache-max-size-bytes Maximum size of messages stored in Kafka fetch cache. string "134217728"
life-cycle-endpoint-enabled Flag to enable life cycle "healthcheck" endpoint. bool false
life-cycle-address Address for life cycle "healthcheck" endpoint listener. string -
startup-endpoint-path Path for startup endpoint. string -
ready-endpoint-path Path for ready endpoint. string -
live-endpoint-path Path for live endpoint. string -
metrics-bind Address for binding Prometheus metrics. string "localhost:9102"
metrics-enabled Flag to enable Prometheus metrics. bool false
version-completed-broadcast-period Period for broadcasting version completion. duration "500ms"
version-manager-store-flushed-period Period between storing last flushed version to the level manager. duration "1s"
wasm-module-instances Number of Wasm module instances per module. int 8
dd-profiler-types Comma-separated list of Datadog profiler types. string -
dd-profiler-host-env-var-name Environment variable name for Datadog profiler host. string -
dd-profiler-port Port for Datadog profiler. int -
dd-profiler-service-name Service name for Datadog profiler. string -
dd-profiler-environment-name Environment name for Datadog profiler. string -
dd-profiler-version-name Version name for Datadog profiler. string -
source-stats-enabled Flag to enable source statistics. bool false
mem-profile-enabled Flag to enable memory profiling. bool false
cpu-profile-enabled Flag to enable CPU profiling. bool false
debug-server-enabled Flag to enable debug server. bool false
debug-server-addresses List of addresses for debug server listener. list -