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Expressions are used in Tektite projections, filters, aggregations and sorts.

Expressions are composed of constants, column identifiers, operators and function calls.

Expressions have a return type which is any of the Tektite data types: int, float, bool, decimal, string, bytes or timestamp.

When evaluated, an expression will return a value with a type equal to the return type, or null.

If any operand to an expression is null, the expression evaluates to null.


These can be

  • String literals. Enclosed in double quotes, e.g. "aardvarks". The quotes are not part of the string literal. If your string literal contains quotes, they must be escaped with backslash e.g. "\"hello\""
  • Integer literals. E.g. 23, 134353, -45, 0
  • Float literals. These are suffixed with f. E.g. 23.23f, -2.3e22f
  • Bool literals. true or false

Column identifiers

A column identifier references a column in the schema that the expression applies to. It's just the name of the column:


Tektite supports the following operators:

Arithmetic operators

  • + - addition: supported for types int, float, decimal, timestamp
  • - - subtraction: supported for types int, float, decimal, timestamp
  • * - multiplication: supported for types int, float, decimal, timestamp
  • / - division: supported for types int, float, decimal, timestamp
  • % - modulus: supported for type int

Comparison operators

  • == - equality: supported for int, float, bool, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp
  • != - inequality: supported for int, float, bool, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp
  • > - greater than: supported for int, float, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp
  • >= - greater than or equal: supported for int, float, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp
  • < - less than: supported for int, float, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp
  • <= - less than or equal: supported for int, float, decimal, string, bytes, timestamp

boolean operators - operands must be of type bool

  • && - and
  • || - or
  • ! - not

Function calls

Tektite comes with a library of built-in functions - and you can also write your own custom functions using WebAssembly and use them the same way as the built-in functions.

Functions are used in expressions by writing the function name followed by left parenthesis followed by expression list followed by right parenthesis.


Here are some example expressions:

my-stream := parent-stream ->
    (project col3 + 10, sub_str(col7, 10 * col2, 12), col9 == "uk") ->
    (store stream)

my-stream := parent-stream ->
    (filter by my_wasm_func(price * 1.23f) && !my_other_wasm_func(name)) ->
    (store stream)    

sales_tots := sales ->
    (aggregate count(price), sum(price + adjust) by 
        to_lower(country), if(is_capital, city, "other"))    

(scan all from sales_tots)
    -> (sort by sub_str(col2, 3, 10), to_lower(col2))