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Tektite HTTP API

Tektite provides an HTTP API that allows Tektite statements and queries to be executed.

It's used by the Tektite CLI, and can be used by Tektite client applications directly or via the golang Tektite client which is a wrapper around the HTTP API. The API is HTTP-2 only and requires TLS.

Please note, this is an API that uses HTTP as the transport, it is not designed to be a RESTful API.


The addresses from which the API is served is determined by the http-api-addresses server configuration property. The path root for the API is determined by the http-api-path configuration property, and the default is tektite.


If the request succeeded HTTP response 200/OK will be returned, otherwise a different HTTP response code will be returned and the response body will contain an error message.

Executing statements

To execute a statement you send a POST request to the path tektite/statement. The body of the request contains the statement to execute.

For example:

my-topic := (topic partitions = 16)

Executing queries

To execute a query you send a POST request to the path tektite/query. The body of the request contains the query to execute.

For example:

(scan all from sales_figures) -> (sort by country, city)
(get "customer1234" from cust_sales) -> (project cust_name, city, sales_total)

By default, query results are returned in the response in JSON lines format. Each row of the result is received as a JSON array, and lines are separated with newline (\n)

["dave smith", "london", 123.67]
["susan hill", "birmingham", 56.43]
["andrew wilson", "manchester", 12.99]

If you add the query parameter col_headers with the value true, then you will also receive column names and column types as the first two lines received:

["cust_name", "city", "sales_total"]
["string", "string", "float"]
["dave smith", "london", 123.67]
["susan hill", "birmingham", 56.43]
["andrew wilson", "manchester", 12.99]

Any decimal values in the result will be returned as JSON strings so as not to lose any precision.

You can also ask to receive the results encoded in Apache Arrow format if you prefer. To do this add an accept header in the HTTP request with value x-tektite-arrow

Prepared queries

Tektite supports prepared queries. These are the same as prepared statements in other databases - we call them prepared queries as we only support preparing for queries not statements in general.

A prepared query is parsed and the query state is set up before execution. At execution time just the parameters of the query (if any) are passed to the server in order to execute it. This has less overhead than parsing it and constructing the query state on each invocation of the query, if the query is executed many times.

You prepare a query by executing a prepare statement:

prepare my_query := (scan $name_start:string to $name_end:string) ->
    (filter by country == $country:string)

The query can have zero or more parameters, these are denoted by $<param_name>:<param_type>, e.g. $name_start:string is a parameter called name_start with a type of string.

Parameters can be of any Tektite data types and can appear in the query anywhere a column identifier is legal.

To execute a prepared query, you send a POST request to the execute endpoint, and the body of the request must contain a JSON object with the name of the query to execute in the QueryName field and the prepared query arguments to execute it as a JSON array in the Args field.

{"QueryName": "my_query", "Args": ["fox", "smith", "UK"]}

Tektite will attempt to convert arguments of a particular JSON type to the corresponding Tektite type in a sensible way.

  • Tektite type int: will convert from JSON types number, string.
  • Tektite type float: will convert from JSON types number, string.
  • Tektite type bool: will convert from JSON types bool, string ("true"/"TRUE" and "false"/"FALSE").
  • Tektite type decimal(p,s): will convert from JSON types string, number.
  • Tektite type string: will convert from JSON types string, number, bool ("true", "false").
  • Tektite type bytes: must be passed as a base64 encoded JSON string.
  • Tektite type timestamp: will convert from a JSON number that represents number of milliseconds from Unix Epoch.
  • For a null Tektite argument value, a JSON null should be passed as the argument.

Registering and unregistering WASM modules

You use the HTTP API to register / unregister WASM modules:

To register a module, send a POST request to the path tektite/wasm-register. The body of the request contains a JSON object with the JSON metadata for the module in a field MetaData and the module bytes as a base 64 encoded string in a field ModuleData:

For example:

   "MetaData": {
       "name": "my-wasm-mod",
        "functions": {
            "foo": {
                "paramTypes": ["string"],
                "returnType": "int"
   "ModuleData": "<base64 encoded module bytes>"

To unregister a module, send a POST request to the path tektite/wasm-unregister. The body of the request contains the name of the module to unregister
