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Partitioning data


Tektite processes data using processors. A Tektite server has a fixed number of processors, typically chosen to correspond to the number of available cores on the machine.

Essentially, a processor is an event loop, which loops around consuming submitted tasks, executing them and then processing the next task when it's available. Internally, each processor uses a single goroutine to execute all work.


All Tektite streams are partitioned. The number of partitions is determined by the partitions parameter on the most recent upstream bridge from, topic, kafka in or partition by operator.

Tektite pins each partition with a particular processor. Any work for a particular partition will always be processed by the same processor.

Partitioning a stream into many partitions therefore allows us to parallelise processing of data on that stream.

The partition by operator

The partition by operator re-partitions the stream with the specified key and number of partitions. Why would you need to re-partition? Let's consider some examples:

Re-partitioning for an aggregate or store table

Let's say we have a Kafka topic which has 20 partitions.

sales := (topic partitions = 20)

It's the Kafka client that chooses the partition for the message, not Tektite. Let's say the Kafka client used a random policy.

We wish to create a windowed aggregation calculating sales totals by country. As the sales topic is not partitioned on the country column, messages for a particular country could be in any partition.

When calculating an aggregation, the aggregation is maintained per partition, so for a correct value, all messages for a particular country must be aggregated on the same partition.

To ensure this, we re-partition the stream on the country field:

sales-tots := sales ->
    (project json_string("country", val) as country,
        to_decimal(json_string("value", val), 10, 2) as value) ->
    (partition by country partitions = 10) ->
    (aggregate count(value), sum(value) by country size = 1h hop = 10m)

Similarly, when using a store table operator, you will need to partition by the key of the table before the store table operator.

The partition by operator can also partition by multiple key columns. You would commonly partition by multiple columns when you are grouping by multiple columns in an aggregation:

sales-tots := sales ->
    (project json_string("country", val) as country,
             json_string("city", val) as city,
             to_decimal(json_string("value", val), 10, 2) as value) ->
    (partition by country, city partitions = 10) ->
    (aggregate count(value), sum(value) by country, city size = 1h hop = 10m)

Partiton by const

Sometimes you want all rows to go to a single partition. This would be the case where you have an aggregatioon with no group by expressions - you want to maintain overall aggregations, or you want to just maintain the latest value seen in a store table operator.

In these case you can use the special value const when defining the partition key.

For example:

overall-sales-tots := sales ->
    (project json_string("country", val) as country,
             json_string("city", val) as city,
             to_decimal(json_string("value", val), 10, 2) as value) ->
    (partition by const partitions = 1) ->
    (aggregate count(value), sum(value) size = 1h hop = 10m)

Or for a table:

last-sale := sales ->
  (partition by const partitions = 1)
  (store table)

Re-partitioning for a bridge to

If you are bridging from a Tektite stream to an external Kafka topic and the external topic has a different number of partitions then you will need to re-partition the stream first:

out-stream := sales ->
   (partition by customer_id partitions = 50) ->
   (bridge to external-sales
       props = ("bootstrap.servers" = ""))

Re-partitioning an existing topic

Take an existing Tektite topic, repartition it with a different key and number of partitions and expose the repartitioned data as a new (read only) topic:

repartitioned := my-topic ->
    (partition by product_id partitions = 100) ->
    (kafka out)

Re-partitioning an external topic

Bridge an external topic into Tektite, filter out some data, repartition it and send it to another external topic.

repartition-stream :=
    (bridge from sales-by-customer partitions = 16
        props = ("bootstrap.servers" = "")) ->
    (filter by json_string("country", val) != "USA") ->
    (partition by product_id partitions = 50) ->
    (bridge to sales-by-product
        props = ("bootstrap.servers" = ""))